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13. dubna 2012

Omluva / Apology

Omlouvám se za výpadek, ale minimálně týden zde nebudu ( problém s mým počítačem, nejde o vir, ale o chybu, která se objevila po aktualizaci pro windows, která mi znemožňuje pracovat se Simíky a s ostatními programy ), tak se všem předem omlouvám, že nebudu moct komentovat a vidět Vaše krásná díla :). Doufám, že pak vše dohledám a budu se moct podívat na Vaše nové výtvory a pochválit :) Tak Vám přeji úspěšné tvoření, spoustu inspirace. Budu se na Vás všechny moc těšit.

Sorry for the downtime, but at least a week I will not (a problem with my computer, not a virus, but a bug that appeared after the update for Windows that makes it impossible for me to work with the Sims and other programs), so I apologize in advance to all that I can not comment on and see your beautiful work :). I hope that all traced and then I'll be able to see your new creations and praise :) So I wish you a successful creation, a lot of inspiration. I'll see you all very much look forward to.

10 komentářů:

  1. I hope you can get your computer fixed as soon as possible Pet'ka! It is okay if you can't create and comment for a while because I completely understand!

    1. Thank you very much for your Understanding. I take it as a courtesy, notify someone to explain my bad :) inactivity and Avoid the mistakes That I can not comment on the new creation, we all the time in That. :) Very happy with ya'll I say, so you'll miss me :). period of absence can stretch, so I feel like it :) grace report
      Microsoft has once again distinguished himself with an update: D. This happens to me almost every half year. And to this day I never go out of technical support can not answer whether it can also address other than a complete reinstall windows. You know what it is and why an error occurs.

  2. Hope you get it fixed. Computers can be so temperamental at times especially after updates. I update my Computer manually. I use to have it on automatic update. It would shut down my Pc in the middle of my Sims game. Don't worry about it. We understand.

    1. Also, I do manual updates, but unfortunately one file somehow will not work with another set and so it reports errors and does not want anything to run any program, let alone play. I use Mozilla at the moment a lot of old version. I am a new start.
      Especially thank you very much for your understanding. Are you a seriously golden :)

  3. I also got this update this week ... since I use the auto updates , my computer did shut down in the middle of my work ,
    Don't know if you already tried it ; but CC cleaner can fix computer errors and not only clean cache , if you click there registry button and run a scan it can find errors and fix it it helped me many times worth the try :)

  4. Mě taky! Kdypak přijdeš a nějakou krásou mě (nás) potěšíš? ♥

    1. Jsem tu. jen chvilku potrvá než něco vyplodím - teď práce okolo pc a natahání věcí do něj a hlavně, mrknout k Vám všem na blog :)

  5. Надеюсь у вас скоро все наладится!



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